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- /* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
- *
- * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
- * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
- * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
- */
- /*
- * move.c: Functions for moving the cursor and scrolling text.
- *
- * There are two ways to move the cursor:
- * 1. Move the cursor directly, the text is scrolled to keep the cursor in the
- * window.
- * 2. Scroll the text, the cursor is moved into the text visible in the
- * window.
- * The 'scrolloff' option makes this a bit complicated.
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- static void comp_botline __ARGS((win_T *wp));
- static int check_top_offset __ARGS((void));
- static void curs_rows __ARGS((win_T *wp, int do_botline));
- static void validate_botline_win __ARGS((win_T *wp));
- static void validate_cheight __ARGS((void));
- typedef struct
- {
- linenr_T lnum; /* line number */
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- int fill; /* filler lines */
- #endif
- int height; /* height of added line */
- } lineoff_T;
- static void topline_back __ARGS((lineoff_T *lp));
- static void botline_forw __ARGS((lineoff_T *lp));
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- static void botline_topline __ARGS((lineoff_T *lp));
- static void topline_botline __ARGS((lineoff_T *lp));
- static void max_topfill __ARGS((void));
- #endif
- /*
- * Compute wp->w_botline for the current wp->w_topline. Can be called after
- * wp->w_topline changed.
- */
- static void
- comp_botline(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- int n;
- linenr_T lnum;
- int done;
- linenr_T last;
- int folded;
- #endif
- /*
- * If w_cline_row is valid, start there.
- * Otherwise have to start at w_topline.
- */
- check_cursor_moved(wp);
- if (wp->w_valid & VALID_CROW)
- {
- lnum = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
- done = wp->w_cline_row;
- }
- else
- {
- lnum = wp->w_topline;
- done = 0;
- }
- for ( ; lnum <= wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count; ++lnum)
- {
- last = lnum;
- folded = FALSE;
- if (hasFoldingWin(wp, lnum, NULL, &last, TRUE, NULL))
- {
- n = 1;
- folded = TRUE;
- }
- else
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (lnum == wp->w_topline)
- n = plines_win_nofill(wp, lnum, TRUE) + wp->w_topfill;
- else
- #endif
- n = plines_win(wp, lnum, TRUE);
- if (
- lnum <= wp->w_cursor.lnum && last >= wp->w_cursor.lnum
- #else
- lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum
- #endif
- )
- {
- wp->w_cline_row = done;
- wp->w_cline_height = n;
- wp->w_cline_folded = folded;
- #endif
- wp->w_valid |= (VALID_CROW|VALID_CHEIGHT);
- }
- if (done + n > wp->w_height)
- break;
- done += n;
- lnum = last;
- #endif
- }
- /* wp->w_botline is the line that is just below the window */
- wp->w_botline = lnum;
- set_empty_rows(wp, done);
- }
- /*
- * Update curwin->w_topline and redraw if necessary.
- * Used to update the screen before printing a message.
- */
- void
- update_topline_redraw()
- {
- update_topline();
- if (must_redraw)
- update_screen(0);
- }
- /*
- * Update curwin->w_topline to move the cursor onto the screen.
- */
- void
- update_topline()
- {
- long line_count;
- int halfheight;
- int n;
- linenr_T old_topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- int old_topfill;
- #endif
- linenr_T lnum;
- #endif
- int check_topline = FALSE;
- int check_botline = FALSE;
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- int save_so = p_so;
- #endif
- if (!screen_valid(TRUE))
- return;
- check_cursor_moved(curwin);
- if (curwin->w_valid & VALID_TOPLINE)
- return;
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- /* When dragging with the mouse, don't scroll that quickly */
- if (mouse_dragging)
- p_so = mouse_dragging - 1;
- #endif
- old_topline = curwin->w_topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- old_topfill = curwin->w_topfill;
- #endif
- /*
- * If the buffer is empty, always set topline to 1.
- */
- if (bufempty()) /* special case - file is empty */
- {
- if (curwin->w_topline != 1)
- redraw_later(NOT_VALID);
- curwin->w_topline = 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- #endif
- curwin->w_botline = 2;
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_BOTLINE|VALID_BOTLINE_AP;
- curwin->w_scbind_pos = 1;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * If the cursor is above or near the top of the window, scroll the window
- * to show the line the cursor is in, with 'scrolloff' context.
- */
- else
- {
- if (curwin->w_topline > 1)
- {
- /* If the cursor is above topline, scrolling is always needed.
- * If the cursor is far below topline and there is no folding,
- * scrolling down is never needed. */
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_topline)
- check_topline = TRUE;
- else if (check_top_offset())
- check_topline = TRUE;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /* Check if there are more filler lines than allowed. */
- else if (curwin->w_topfill > diff_check_fill(curwin,
- curwin->w_topline))
- check_topline = TRUE;
- #endif
- }
- if (check_topline)
- {
- halfheight = curwin->w_height / 2 - 1;
- if (halfheight < 2)
- halfheight = 2;
- if (hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- {
- /* Count the number of logical lines between the cursor and
- * topline + p_so (approximation of how much will be
- * scrolled). */
- n = 0;
- for (lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- lnum < curwin->w_topline + p_so; ++lnum)
- {
- ++n;
- /* stop at end of file or when we know we are far off */
- if (lnum >= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count || n >= halfheight)
- break;
- (void)hasFolding(lnum, NULL, &lnum);
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- n = curwin->w_topline + p_so - curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- /* If we weren't very close to begin with, we scroll to put the
- * cursor in the middle of the window. Otherwise put the cursor
- * near the top of the window. */
- if (n >= halfheight)
- scroll_cursor_halfway(FALSE);
- else
- {
- scroll_cursor_top((int)p_sj, FALSE);
- check_botline = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Make sure topline is the first line of a fold. */
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_topline, &curwin->w_topline, NULL);
- #endif
- check_botline = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the cursor is below the bottom of the window, scroll the window
- * to put the cursor on the window.
- * When w_botline is invalid, recompute it first, to avoid a redraw later.
- * If w_botline was approximated, we might need a redraw later in a few
- * cases, but we don't want to spend (a lot of) time recomputing w_botline
- * for every small change.
- */
- if (check_botline)
- {
- if (!(curwin->w_valid & VALID_BOTLINE_AP))
- validate_botline();
- if (curwin->w_botline <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_botline
- && ((long)curwin->w_cursor.lnum
- >= (long)curwin->w_botline - p_so
- || hasAnyFolding(curwin)
- #endif
- ))
- {
- lineoff_T loff;
- /* Cursor is above botline, check if there are 'scrolloff'
- * window lines below the cursor. If not, need to scroll. */
- n = curwin->w_empty_rows;
- loff.lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- loff.fill = 0;
- n += curwin->w_filler_rows;
- #endif
- loff.height = 0;
- while (loff.lnum < curwin->w_botline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && (loff.lnum + 1 < curwin->w_botline || loff.fill == 0)
- #endif
- )
- {
- n += loff.height;
- if (n >= p_so)
- break;
- botline_forw(&loff);
- }
- if (n >= p_so)
- /* sufficient context, no need to scroll */
- check_botline = FALSE;
- }
- if (check_botline)
- {
- if (hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- {
- /* Count the number of logical lines between the cursor and
- * botline - p_so (approximation of how much will be
- * scrolled). */
- line_count = 0;
- for (lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- lnum >= curwin->w_botline - p_so; --lnum)
- {
- ++line_count;
- /* stop at end of file or when we know we are far off */
- if (lnum <= 0 || line_count > curwin->w_height + 1)
- break;
- (void)hasFolding(lnum, &lnum, NULL);
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- line_count = curwin->w_cursor.lnum - curwin->w_botline
- + 1 + p_so;
- if (line_count <= curwin->w_height + 1)
- scroll_cursor_bot((int)p_sj, FALSE);
- else
- scroll_cursor_halfway(FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_TOPLINE;
- /*
- * Need to redraw when topline changed.
- */
- if (curwin->w_topline != old_topline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- || curwin->w_topfill != old_topfill
- #endif
- )
- {
- dollar_vcol = 0;
- if (curwin->w_skipcol)
- {
- curwin->w_skipcol = 0;
- redraw_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- else
- redraw_later(VALID);
- /* May need to set w_skipcol when cursor in w_topline. */
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum == curwin->w_topline)
- validate_cursor();
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- p_so = save_so;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE when there are not 'scrolloff' lines above the cursor for the
- * current window.
- */
- static int
- check_top_offset()
- {
- lineoff_T loff;
- int n;
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_topline + p_so
- || hasAnyFolding(curwin)
- #endif
- )
- {
- loff.lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- loff.fill = 0;
- n = curwin->w_topfill; /* always have this context */
- #else
- n = 0;
- #endif
- /* Count the visible screen lines above the cursor line. */
- while (n < p_so)
- {
- topline_back(&loff);
- /* Stop when included a line above the window. */
- if (loff.lnum < curwin->w_topline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- || (loff.lnum == curwin->w_topline && loff.fill > 0)
- #endif
- )
- break;
- n += loff.height;
- }
- if (n < p_so)
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- void
- update_curswant()
- {
- if (curwin->w_set_curswant)
- {
- validate_virtcol();
- curwin->w_curswant = curwin->w_virtcol;
- curwin->w_set_curswant = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Check if the cursor has moved. Set the w_valid flag accordingly.
- */
- void
- check_cursor_moved(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- if (wp->w_cursor.lnum != wp->w_valid_cursor.lnum)
- {
- wp->w_valid_cursor = wp->w_cursor;
- wp->w_valid_leftcol = wp->w_leftcol;
- }
- else if (wp->w_cursor.col != wp->w_valid_cursor.col
- || wp->w_leftcol != wp->w_valid_leftcol
- || wp->w_cursor.coladd != wp->w_valid_cursor.coladd
- #endif
- )
- {
- wp->w_valid_cursor.col = wp->w_cursor.col;
- wp->w_valid_leftcol = wp->w_leftcol;
- wp->w_valid_cursor.coladd = wp->w_cursor.coladd;
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*
- * Call this function when some window settings have changed, which require
- * the cursor position, botline and topline to be recomputed and the window to
- * be redrawn. E.g, when changing the 'wrap' option or folding.
- */
- void
- changed_window_setting()
- {
- curwin->w_lines_valid = 0;
- changed_line_abv_curs();
- redraw_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- /*
- * Set wp->w_topline to a certain number.
- */
- void
- set_topline(wp, lnum)
- win_T *wp;
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- /* go to first of folded lines */
- (void)hasFoldingWin(wp, lnum, &lnum, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
- #endif
- /* Approximate the value of w_botline */
- wp->w_botline += lnum - wp->w_topline;
- wp->w_topline = lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- wp->w_topfill = 0;
- #endif
- /* Don't set VALID_TOPLINE here, 'scrolloff' needs to be checked. */
- redraw_later(VALID);
- }
- /*
- * Call this function when the length of the cursor line (in screen
- * characters) has changed, and the change is before the cursor.
- * Need to take care of w_botline separately!
- */
- void
- changed_cline_bef_curs()
- {
- }
- void
- changed_cline_bef_curs_win(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- }
- #if 0 /* not used */
- /*
- * Call this function when the length of the cursor line (in screen
- * characters) has changed, and the position of the cursor doesn't change.
- * Need to take care of w_botline separately!
- */
- void
- changed_cline_aft_curs()
- {
- curwin->w_valid &= ~VALID_CHEIGHT;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Call this function when the length of a line (in screen characters) above
- * the cursor have changed.
- * Need to take care of w_botline separately!
- */
- void
- changed_line_abv_curs()
- {
- }
- void
- changed_line_abv_curs_win(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- }
- /*
- * Make sure the value of curwin->w_botline is valid.
- */
- void
- validate_botline()
- {
- if (!(curwin->w_valid & VALID_BOTLINE))
- comp_botline(curwin);
- }
- /*
- * Make sure the value of wp->w_botline is valid.
- */
- static void
- validate_botline_win(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- if (!(wp->w_valid & VALID_BOTLINE))
- comp_botline(wp);
- }
- /*
- * Mark curwin->w_botline as invalid (because of some change in the buffer).
- */
- void
- invalidate_botline()
- {
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_BOTLINE|VALID_BOTLINE_AP);
- }
- void
- invalidate_botline_win(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- }
- #if 0 /* never used */
- /*
- * Mark curwin->w_botline as approximated (because of some small change in the
- * buffer).
- */
- void
- approximate_botline()
- {
- curwin->w_valid &= ~VALID_BOTLINE;
- }
- #endif
- void
- approximate_botline_win(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- wp->w_valid &= ~VALID_BOTLINE;
- }
- #if 0 /* not used */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if curwin->w_botline is valid.
- */
- int
- botline_valid()
- {
- return (curwin->w_valid & VALID_BOTLINE);
- }
- #endif
- #if 0 /* not used */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if curwin->w_botline is valid or approximated.
- */
- int
- botline_approximated()
- {
- return (curwin->w_valid & VALID_BOTLINE_AP);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Return TRUE if curwin->w_wrow and curwin->w_wcol are valid.
- */
- int
- cursor_valid()
- {
- check_cursor_moved(curwin);
- return ((curwin->w_valid & (VALID_WROW|VALID_WCOL)) ==
- }
- /*
- * Validate cursor position. Makes sure w_wrow and w_wcol are valid.
- * w_topline must be valid, you may need to call update_topline() first!
- */
- void
- validate_cursor()
- {
- check_cursor_moved(curwin);
- if ((curwin->w_valid & (VALID_WCOL|VALID_WROW)) != (VALID_WCOL|VALID_WROW))
- curs_columns(TRUE);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * validate w_cline_row.
- */
- void
- validate_cline_row()
- {
- /*
- * First make sure that w_topline is valid (after moving the cursor).
- */
- update_topline();
- check_cursor_moved(curwin);
- if (!(curwin->w_valid & VALID_CROW))
- curs_rows(curwin, FALSE);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Compute wp->w_cline_row and wp->w_cline_height, based on the current value
- * of wp->w_topine.
- *
- * Returns OK when cursor is in the window, FAIL when it isn't.
- */
- static void
- curs_rows(wp, do_botline)
- win_T *wp;
- int do_botline; /* also compute w_botline */
- {
- linenr_T lnum;
- int i;
- int all_invalid;
- int valid;
- long fold_count;
- #endif
- /* Check if wp->w_lines[].wl_size is invalid */
- all_invalid = (!redrawing()
- || wp->w_lines_valid == 0
- || wp->w_lines[0].wl_lnum > wp->w_topline);
- i = 0;
- wp->w_cline_row = 0;
- for (lnum = wp->w_topline; lnum < wp->w_cursor.lnum; ++i)
- {
- valid = FALSE;
- if (!all_invalid && i < wp->w_lines_valid)
- {
- if (wp->w_lines[i].wl_lnum < lnum || !wp->w_lines[i].wl_valid)
- continue; /* skip changed or deleted lines */
- if (wp->w_lines[i].wl_lnum == lnum)
- {
- /* Check for newly inserted lines below this row, in which
- * case we need to check for folded lines. */
- if (!wp->w_buffer->b_mod_set
- || wp->w_lines[i].wl_lastlnum < wp->w_cursor.lnum
- || wp->w_buffer->b_mod_top
- > wp->w_lines[i].wl_lastlnum + 1)
- #endif
- valid = TRUE;
- }
- else if (wp->w_lines[i].wl_lnum > lnum)
- --i; /* hold at inserted lines */
- }
- if (valid
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && (lnum != wp->w_topline || !wp->w_p_diff)
- #endif
- )
- {
- lnum = wp->w_lines[i].wl_lastlnum + 1;
- /* Cursor inside folded lines, don't count this row */
- if (lnum > wp->w_cursor.lnum)
- break;
- #else
- ++lnum;
- #endif
- wp->w_cline_row += wp->w_lines[i].wl_size;
- }
- else
- {
- fold_count = foldedCount(wp, lnum, NULL);
- if (fold_count)
- {
- lnum += fold_count;
- if (lnum > wp->w_cursor.lnum)
- break;
- ++wp->w_cline_row;
- }
- else
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (lnum == wp->w_topline)
- wp->w_cline_row += plines_win_nofill(wp, lnum++, TRUE)
- + wp->w_topfill;
- else
- #endif
- wp->w_cline_row += plines_win(wp, lnum++, TRUE);
- }
- }
- check_cursor_moved(wp);
- if (!(wp->w_valid & VALID_CHEIGHT))
- {
- if (all_invalid
- || i == wp->w_lines_valid
- || (i < wp->w_lines_valid
- && (!wp->w_lines[i].wl_valid
- || wp->w_lines[i].wl_lnum != wp->w_cursor.lnum)))
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (wp->w_cursor.lnum == wp->w_topline)
- wp->w_cline_height = plines_win_nofill(wp, wp->w_cursor.lnum,
- TRUE) + wp->w_topfill;
- else
- #endif
- wp->w_cline_height = plines_win(wp, wp->w_cursor.lnum, TRUE);
- wp->w_cline_folded = hasFoldingWin(wp, wp->w_cursor.lnum,
- #endif
- }
- else if (i > wp->w_lines_valid)
- {
- /* a line that is too long to fit on the last screen line */
- wp->w_cline_height = 0;
- wp->w_cline_folded = FALSE;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- wp->w_cline_height = wp->w_lines[i].wl_size;
- wp->w_cline_folded = wp->w_lines[i].wl_folded;
- #endif
- }
- }
- wp->w_valid |= VALID_CROW|VALID_CHEIGHT;
- /* validate botline too, if update_screen doesn't do it */
- if (do_botline && all_invalid)
- validate_botline_win(wp);
- }
- /*
- * Validate curwin->w_virtcol only.
- */
- void
- validate_virtcol()
- {
- validate_virtcol_win(curwin);
- }
- /*
- * Validate wp->w_virtcol only.
- */
- void
- validate_virtcol_win(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- check_cursor_moved(wp);
- if (!(wp->w_valid & VALID_VIRTCOL))
- {
- getvvcol(wp, &wp->w_cursor, NULL, &(wp->w_virtcol), NULL);
- wp->w_valid |= VALID_VIRTCOL;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Validate curwin->w_cline_height only.
- */
- static void
- validate_cheight()
- {
- check_cursor_moved(curwin);
- if (!(curwin->w_valid & VALID_CHEIGHT))
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum == curwin->w_topline)
- curwin->w_cline_height = plines_nofill(curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- + curwin->w_topfill;
- else
- #endif
- curwin->w_cline_height = plines(curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
- curwin->w_cline_folded = hasFolding(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, NULL, NULL);
- #endif
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_CHEIGHT;
- }
- }
- /*
- * validate w_wcol and w_virtcol only. Only correct when 'wrap' on!
- */
- void
- validate_cursor_col()
- {
- colnr_T off;
- colnr_T col;
- validate_virtcol();
- if (!(curwin->w_valid & VALID_WCOL))
- {
- col = curwin->w_virtcol;
- off = curwin_col_off();
- col += off;
- /* long line wrapping, adjust curwin->w_wrow */
- if (curwin->w_p_wrap && col >= (colnr_T)W_WIDTH(curwin)
- && curwin->w_width != 0
- #endif
- )
- {
- col -= W_WIDTH(curwin);
- col = col % (W_WIDTH(curwin) - off + curwin_col_off2());
- }
- curwin->w_wcol = col;
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_WCOL;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Compute offset of a window, occupied by line number, fold column and sign
- * column (these don't move when scrolling horizontally).
- */
- int
- win_col_off(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- return ((wp->w_p_nu ? 8 : 0)
- #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
- + (cmdwin_type == 0 || wp != curwin ? 0 : 1)
- #endif
- + wp->w_p_fdc
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_SIGNS
- + (wp->w_buffer->b_signlist != NULL ? 2 : 0)
- #endif
- );
- }
- int
- curwin_col_off()
- {
- return win_col_off(curwin);
- }
- /*
- * Return the difference in column offset for the second screen line of a
- * wrapped line. It's 8 if 'number' is on and 'n' is in 'cpoptions'.
- */
- int
- win_col_off2(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- if (wp->w_p_nu && vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_NUMCOL) != NULL)
- return 8;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- curwin_col_off2()
- {
- return win_col_off2(curwin);
- }
- /*
- * compute curwin->w_wcol and curwin->w_virtcol.
- * Also updates curwin->w_wrow and curwin->w_cline_row.
- * Also updates curwin->w_leftcol.
- */
- void
- curs_columns(scroll)
- int scroll; /* when TRUE, may scroll horizontally */
- {
- int diff;
- int extra; /* offset for first screen line */
- int off;
- int n;
- int width = 0;
- int textwidth;
- int new_leftcol;
- colnr_T startcol;
- colnr_T endcol;
- colnr_T prev_skipcol;
- /*
- * First make sure that w_topline is valid (after moving the cursor).
- */
- update_topline();
- /*
- * Next make sure that w_cline_row is valid.
- */
- if (!(curwin->w_valid & VALID_CROW))
- curs_rows(curwin, FALSE);
- /*
- * Compute the number of virtual columns.
- */
- if (curwin->w_cline_folded)
- /* In a folded line the cursor is always in the first column */
- startcol = curwin->w_virtcol = endcol = curwin->w_leftcol;
- else
- #endif
- getvvcol(curwin, &curwin->w_cursor,
- &startcol, &(curwin->w_virtcol), &endcol);
- /* remove '$' from change command when cursor moves onto it */
- if (startcol > dollar_vcol)
- dollar_vcol = 0;
- extra = curwin_col_off();
- curwin->w_wcol = curwin->w_virtcol + extra;
- endcol += extra;
- /*
- * Now compute w_wrow, counting screen lines from w_cline_row.
- */
- curwin->w_wrow = curwin->w_cline_row;
- textwidth = W_WIDTH(curwin) - extra;
- if (textwidth <= 0)
- {
- /* No room for text, put cursor in last char of window. */
- curwin->w_wcol = W_WIDTH(curwin) - 1;
- curwin->w_wrow = curwin->w_height - 1;
- }
- else if (curwin->w_p_wrap
- && curwin->w_width != 0
- #endif
- )
- {
- width = textwidth + curwin_col_off2();
- /* long line wrapping, adjust curwin->w_wrow */
- if (curwin->w_wcol >= W_WIDTH(curwin))
- {
- n = (curwin->w_wcol - W_WIDTH(curwin)) / width + 1;
- curwin->w_wcol -= n * width;
- curwin->w_wrow += n;
- /* When cursor wraps to first char of next line in Insert
- * mode, the 'showbreak' string isn't shown, backup to first
- * column */
- if (*p_sbr && *ml_get_cursor() == NUL
- && curwin->w_wcol == (int)STRLEN(p_sbr))
- curwin->w_wcol = 0;
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* No line wrapping: compute curwin->w_leftcol if scrolling is on and line
- * is not folded.
- * If scrolling is off, curwin->w_leftcol is assumed to be 0 */
- else if (scroll
- && !curwin->w_cline_folded
- #endif
- )
- {
- /*
- * If Cursor is left of the screen, scroll rightwards.
- * If Cursor is right of the screen, scroll leftwards
- * If we get closer to the edge than 'sidescrolloff', scroll a little
- * extra
- */
- if ((off = (int)startcol - (int)curwin->w_leftcol - p_siso) < 0
- || (off = (int)endcol
- - (int)(curwin->w_leftcol + W_WIDTH(curwin) - p_siso)
- + 1) > 0)
- {
- if (off < 0)
- diff = -off;
- else
- diff = off;
- /* far off, put cursor in middle of window */
- if (p_ss == 0 || diff >= textwidth / 2)
- new_leftcol = curwin->w_wcol - extra - textwidth / 2;
- else
- {
- if (diff < p_ss)
- diff = p_ss;
- if (off < 0)
- new_leftcol = curwin->w_leftcol - diff;
- else
- new_leftcol = curwin->w_leftcol + diff;
- }
- if (new_leftcol < 0)
- new_leftcol = 0;
- if (new_leftcol != (int)curwin->w_leftcol)
- {
- curwin->w_leftcol = new_leftcol;
- /* screen has to be redrawn with new curwin->w_leftcol */
- redraw_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- }
- curwin->w_wcol -= curwin->w_leftcol;
- }
- else if (curwin->w_wcol > (int)curwin->w_leftcol)
- curwin->w_wcol -= curwin->w_leftcol;
- else
- curwin->w_wcol = 0;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /* Skip over filler lines. At the top use w_topfill, there
- * may be some filler lines above the window. */
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum == curwin->w_topline)
- curwin->w_wrow += curwin->w_topfill;
- else
- curwin->w_wrow += diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
- #endif
- prev_skipcol = curwin->w_skipcol;
- n = 0;
- if ((curwin->w_wrow >= curwin->w_height
- || ((prev_skipcol > 0
- || curwin->w_wrow + p_so >= curwin->w_height)
- && (n =
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- plines_win_nofill
- #else
- plines_win
- #endif
- (curwin, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, FALSE))
- - 1 >= curwin->w_height))
- && curwin->w_height != 0
- && curwin->w_cursor.lnum == curwin->w_topline
- && curwin->w_width != 0
- #endif
- )
- {
- /* Cursor past end of screen. Happens with a single line that does
- * not fit on screen. Find a skipcol to show the text around the
- * cursor. Avoid scrolling all the time. compute value of "extra":
- * 1: Less than "p_so" lines above
- * 2: Less than "p_so" lines below
- * 3: both of them */
- extra = 0;
- if (curwin->w_skipcol + p_so * width > curwin->w_virtcol)
- extra = 1;
- /* Compute last display line of the buffer line that we want at the
- * bottom of the window. */
- if (n == 0)
- n = plines_win(curwin, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, FALSE);
- --n;
- if (curwin->w_wrow + p_so < n)
- n = curwin->w_wrow + p_so;
- if ((colnr_T)n >= curwin->w_height + curwin->w_skipcol / width)
- extra += 2;
- if (extra == 3)
- {
- /* not enough room for 'scrolloff', put cursor in the middle */
- n = curwin->w_virtcol / width;
- if (n > curwin->w_height / 2)
- n -= curwin->w_height / 2;
- else
- n = 0;
- curwin->w_skipcol = n * width;
- }
- else if (extra == 1)
- {
- /* less then 'scrolloff' lines above, decrease skipcol */
- extra = (curwin->w_skipcol + p_so * width - curwin->w_virtcol
- + width - 1) / width;
- if (extra > 0)
- {
- if ((colnr_T)(extra * width) > curwin->w_skipcol)
- extra = curwin->w_skipcol / width;
- curwin->w_skipcol -= extra * width;
- }
- }
- else if (extra == 2)
- {
- /* less then 'scrolloff' lines below, increase skipcol */
- endcol = (n - curwin->w_height + 1) * width;
- if (endcol > curwin->w_skipcol)
- curwin->w_skipcol = endcol;
- }
- curwin->w_wrow -= curwin->w_skipcol / width;
- if (curwin->w_wrow >= curwin->w_height)
- {
- /* small window, make sure cursor is in it */
- extra = curwin->w_wrow - curwin->w_height + 1;
- curwin->w_skipcol += extra * width;
- curwin->w_wrow -= extra;
- }
- extra = (curwin->w_skipcol - prev_skipcol) / width;
- if (extra > 0)
- win_ins_lines(curwin, 0, extra, FALSE, FALSE);
- else if (extra < 0)
- win_del_lines(curwin, 0, -extra, FALSE, FALSE);
- }
- else
- curwin->w_skipcol = 0;
- if (prev_skipcol != curwin->w_skipcol)
- redraw_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- /*
- * Scroll the current window down by "line_count" logical lines. "CTRL-Y"
- */
- void
- scrolldown(line_count, byfold)
- long line_count;
- int byfold; /* TRUE: count a closed fold as one line */
- {
- long done = 0; /* total # of physical lines done */
- int wrow;
- int moved = FALSE;
- linenr_T first;
- /* Make sure w_topline is at the first of a sequence of folded lines. */
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_topline, &curwin->w_topline, NULL);
- #endif
- validate_cursor(); /* w_wrow needs to be valid */
- while (line_count-- > 0)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_topfill < diff_check(curwin, curwin->w_topline))
- {
- ++curwin->w_topfill;
- ++done;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- if (curwin->w_topline == 1)
- break;
- --curwin->w_topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- #endif
- /* A sequence of folded lines only counts for one logical line */
- if (hasFolding(curwin->w_topline, &first, NULL))
- {
- ++done;
- if (!byfold)
- line_count -= curwin->w_topline - first - 1;
- curwin->w_botline -= curwin->w_topline - first;
- curwin->w_topline = first;
- }
- else
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- done += plines_nofill(curwin->w_topline);
- #else
- done += plines(curwin->w_topline);
- #endif
- }
- --curwin->w_botline; /* approximate w_botline */
- invalidate_botline();
- }
- curwin->w_wrow += done; /* keep w_wrow updated */
- curwin->w_cline_row += done; /* keep w_cline_row updated */
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum == curwin->w_topline)
- curwin->w_cline_row = 0;
- check_topfill(curwin, TRUE);
- #endif
- /*
- * Compute the row number of the last row of the cursor line
- * and move the cursor onto the displayed part of the window.
- */
- wrow = curwin->w_wrow;
- if (curwin->w_p_wrap
- && curwin->w_width != 0
- #endif
- )
- {
- validate_virtcol();
- validate_cheight();
- wrow += curwin->w_cline_height - 1 -
- curwin->w_virtcol / W_WIDTH(curwin);
- }
- while (wrow >= curwin->w_height && curwin->w_cursor.lnum > 1)
- {
- if (hasFolding(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, &first, NULL))
- {
- --wrow;
- if (first == 1)
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
- else
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = first - 1;
- }
- else
- #endif
- wrow -= plines(curwin->w_cursor.lnum--);
- curwin->w_valid &=
- moved = TRUE;
- }
- if (moved)
- {
- /* Move cursor to first line of closed fold. */
- foldAdjustCursor();
- #endif
- coladvance(curwin->w_curswant);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Scroll the current window up by "line_count" logical lines. "CTRL-E"
- */
- void
- scrollup(line_count, byfold)
- long line_count;
- int byfold; /* TRUE: count a closed fold as one line */
- {
- #if defined(FEAT_FOLDING) || defined(FEAT_DIFF)
- linenr_T lnum;
- if (
- # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
- (byfold && hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- ||
- # endif
- # endif
- # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_p_diff
- # endif
- )
- {
- /* count each sequence of folded lines as one logical line */
- lnum = curwin->w_topline;
- while (line_count--)
- {
- # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_topfill > 0)
- --curwin->w_topfill;
- else
- # endif
- {
- # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
- if (byfold)
- (void)hasFolding(lnum, NULL, &lnum);
- # endif
- if (lnum >= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- break;
- ++lnum;
- # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = diff_check_fill(curwin, lnum);
- # endif
- }
- }
- /* approximate w_botline */
- curwin->w_botline += lnum - curwin->w_topline;
- curwin->w_topline = lnum;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- curwin->w_topline += line_count;
- curwin->w_botline += line_count; /* approximate w_botline */
- }
- if (curwin->w_topline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- curwin->w_topline = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- if (curwin->w_botline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count + 1)
- curwin->w_botline = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count + 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- check_topfill(curwin, FALSE);
- #endif
- if (hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- /* Make sure w_topline is at the first of a sequence of folded lines. */
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_topline, &curwin->w_topline, NULL);
- #endif
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WROW|VALID_CROW|VALID_BOTLINE);
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_topline)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = curwin->w_topline;
- curwin->w_valid &=
- coladvance(curwin->w_curswant);
- }
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /*
- * Don't end up with too many filler lines in the window.
- */
- void
- check_topfill(wp, down)
- win_T *wp;
- int down; /* when TRUE scroll down when not enough space */
- {
- int n;
- if (wp->w_topfill > 0)
- {
- n = plines_win_nofill(wp, wp->w_topline, TRUE);
- if (wp->w_topfill + n > wp->w_height)
- {
- if (down && wp->w_topline > 1)
- {
- --wp->w_topline;
- wp->w_topfill = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- wp->w_topfill = wp->w_height - n;
- if (wp->w_topfill < 0)
- wp->w_topfill = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Use as many filler lines as possible for w_topline. Make sure w_topline
- * is still visible.
- */
- static void
- max_topfill()
- {
- int n;
- n = plines_nofill(curwin->w_topline);
- if (n >= curwin->w_height)
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- else
- {
- curwin->w_topfill = diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_topline);
- if (curwin->w_topfill + n > curwin->w_height)
- curwin->w_topfill = curwin->w_height - n;
- }
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_INS_EXPAND) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Scroll the screen one line down, but don't do it if it would move the
- * cursor off the screen.
- */
- void
- scrolldown_clamp()
- {
- int end_row;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- int can_fill = (curwin->w_topfill
- < diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_topline));
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_topline <= 1
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && !can_fill
- #endif
- )
- return;
- validate_cursor(); /* w_wrow needs to be valid */
- /*
- * Compute the row number of the last row of the cursor line
- * and make sure it doesn't go off the screen. Make sure the cursor
- * doesn't go past 'scrolloff' lines from the screen end.
- */
- end_row = curwin->w_wrow;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (can_fill)
- ++end_row;
- else
- end_row += plines_nofill(curwin->w_topline - 1);
- #else
- end_row += plines(curwin->w_topline - 1);
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_p_wrap
- && curwin->w_width != 0
- #endif
- )
- {
- validate_cheight();
- validate_virtcol();
- end_row += curwin->w_cline_height - 1 -
- curwin->w_virtcol / W_WIDTH(curwin);
- }
- if (end_row < curwin->w_height - p_so)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (can_fill)
- {
- ++curwin->w_topfill;
- check_topfill(curwin, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- --curwin->w_topline;
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- }
- #else
- --curwin->w_topline;
- #endif
- --curwin->w_botline; /* approximate w_botline */
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WROW|VALID_CROW|VALID_BOTLINE);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Scroll the screen one line up, but don't do it if it would move the cursor
- * off the screen.
- */
- void
- scrollup_clamp()
- {
- int start_row;
- if (curwin->w_topline == curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && curwin->w_topfill == 0
- #endif
- )
- return;
- validate_cursor(); /* w_wrow needs to be valid */
- /*
- * Compute the row number of the first row of the cursor line
- * and make sure it doesn't go off the screen. Make sure the cursor
- * doesn't go before 'scrolloff' lines from the screen start.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- start_row = curwin->w_wrow - plines_nofill(curwin->w_topline)
- - curwin->w_topfill;
- #else
- start_row = curwin->w_wrow - plines(curwin->w_topline);
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_p_wrap
- && curwin->w_width != 0
- #endif
- )
- {
- validate_virtcol();
- start_row -= curwin->w_virtcol / W_WIDTH(curwin);
- }
- if (start_row >= p_so)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_topfill > 0)
- --curwin->w_topfill;
- else
- #endif
- ++curwin->w_topline;
- ++curwin->w_botline; /* approximate w_botline */
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WROW|VALID_CROW|VALID_BOTLINE);
- }
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_INS_EXPAND */
- /*
- * Add one line above "lp->lnum". This can be a filler line, a closed fold or
- * a (wrapped) text line. Uses and sets "lp->fill".
- * Returns the height of the added line in "lp->height".
- * Lines above the first one are incredibly high.
- */
- static void
- topline_back(lp)
- lineoff_T *lp;
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (lp->fill < diff_check_fill(curwin, lp->lnum))
- {
- /* Add a filler line. */
- ++lp->fill;
- lp->height = 1;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- --lp->lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- lp->fill = 0;
- #endif
- if (lp->lnum < 1)
- lp->height = MAXCOL;
- else
- if (hasFolding(lp->lnum, &lp->lnum, NULL))
- /* Add a closed fold */
- lp->height = 1;
- else
- #endif
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- lp->height = plines_nofill(lp->lnum);
- #else
- lp->height = plines(lp->lnum);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add one line below "lp->lnum". This can be a filler line, a closed fold or
- * a (wrapped) text line. Uses and sets "lp->fill".
- * Returns the height of the added line in "lp->height".
- * Lines below the last one are incredibly high.
- */
- static void
- botline_forw(lp)
- lineoff_T *lp;
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (lp->fill < diff_check_fill(curwin, lp->lnum + 1))
- {
- /* Add a filler line. */
- ++lp->fill;
- lp->height = 1;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- ++lp->lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- lp->fill = 0;
- #endif
- if (lp->lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- lp->height = MAXCOL;
- else
- if (hasFolding(lp->lnum, NULL, &lp->lnum))
- /* Add a closed fold */
- lp->height = 1;
- else
- #endif
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- lp->height = plines_nofill(lp->lnum);
- #else
- lp->height = plines(lp->lnum);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /*
- * Switch from including filler lines below lp->lnum to including filler
- * lines above loff.lnum + 1. This keeps pointing to the same line.
- * When there are no filler lines nothing changes.
- */
- static void
- botline_topline(lp)
- lineoff_T *lp;
- {
- if (lp->fill > 0)
- {
- ++lp->lnum;
- lp->fill = diff_check_fill(curwin, lp->lnum) - lp->fill + 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Switch from including filler lines above lp->lnum to including filler
- * lines below loff.lnum - 1. This keeps pointing to the same line.
- * When there are no filler lines nothing changes.
- */
- static void
- topline_botline(lp)
- lineoff_T *lp;
- {
- if (lp->fill > 0)
- {
- lp->fill = diff_check_fill(curwin, lp->lnum) - lp->fill + 1;
- --lp->lnum;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Recompute topline to put the cursor at the top of the window.
- * Scroll at least "min_scroll" lines.
- * If "always" is TRUE, always set topline (for "zt").
- */
- void
- scroll_cursor_top(min_scroll, always)
- int min_scroll;
- int always;
- {
- int scrolled = 0;
- int extra = 0;
- int used;
- int i;
- linenr_T top; /* just above displayed lines */
- linenr_T bot; /* just below displayed lines */
- linenr_T old_topline = curwin->w_topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- linenr_T old_topfill = curwin->w_topfill;
- #endif
- linenr_T new_topline;
- int off = p_so;
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- if (mouse_dragging > 0)
- off = mouse_dragging - 1;
- #endif
- /*
- * Decrease topline until:
- * - it has become 1
- * - (part of) the cursor line is moved off the screen or
- * - moved at least 'scrolljump' lines and
- * - at least 'scrolloff' lines above and below the cursor
- */
- validate_cheight();
- used = curwin->w_cline_height;
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_topline)
- scrolled = used;
- if (hasFolding(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, &top, &bot))
- {
- --top;
- ++bot;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- top = curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1;
- bot = curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1;
- }
- new_topline = top + 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /* count filler lines of the cursor window as context */
- i = diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
- used += i;
- extra += i;
- #endif
- /*
- * Check if the lines from "top" to "bot" fit in the window. If they do,
- * set new_topline and advance "top" and "bot" to include more lines.
- */
- while (top > 0)
- {
- if (hasFolding(top, &top, NULL))
- /* count one logical line for a sequence of folded lines */
- i = 1;
- else
- #endif
- i = plines(top);
- used += i;
- if (extra + i <= off && bot < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- if (hasFolding(bot, NULL, &bot))
- /* count one logical line for a sequence of folded lines */
- ++used;
- else
- #endif
- used += plines(bot);
- }
- if (used > curwin->w_height)
- break;
- if (top < curwin->w_topline)
- scrolled += i;
- /*
- * If scrolling is needed, scroll at least 'sj' lines.
- */
- if ((new_topline >= curwin->w_topline || scrolled > min_scroll)
- && extra >= off)
- break;
- extra += i;
- new_topline = top;
- --top;
- ++bot;
- }
- /*
- * If we don't have enough space, put cursor in the middle.
- * This makes sure we get the same position when using "k" and "j"
- * in a small window.
- */
- if (used > curwin->w_height)
- scroll_cursor_halfway(FALSE);
- else
- {
- /*
- * If "always" is FALSE, only adjust topline to a lower value, higher
- * value may happen with wrapping lines
- */
- if (new_topline < curwin->w_topline || always)
- curwin->w_topline = new_topline;
- if (curwin->w_topline > curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- curwin->w_topline = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_topline);
- if (curwin->w_topfill > 0 && extra > off)
- {
- curwin->w_topfill -= extra - off;
- if (curwin->w_topfill < 0)
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- }
- check_topfill(curwin, FALSE);
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_topline != old_topline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- || curwin->w_topfill != old_topfill
- #endif
- )
- curwin->w_valid &=
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_TOPLINE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set w_empty_rows and w_filler_rows for window "wp", having used up "used"
- * screen lines for text lines.
- */
- void
- set_empty_rows(wp, used)
- win_T *wp;
- int used;
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- wp->w_filler_rows = 0;
- #endif
- if (used == 0)
- wp->w_empty_rows = 0; /* single line that doesn't fit */
- else
- {
- wp->w_empty_rows = wp->w_height - used;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (wp->w_botline <= wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- wp->w_filler_rows = diff_check_fill(wp, wp->w_botline);
- if (wp->w_empty_rows > wp->w_filler_rows)
- wp->w_empty_rows -= wp->w_filler_rows;
- else
- {
- wp->w_filler_rows = wp->w_empty_rows;
- wp->w_empty_rows = 0;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*
- * Recompute topline to put the cursor at the bottom of the window.
- * Scroll at least "min_scroll" lines.
- * If "set_topbot" is TRUE, set topline and botline first (for "zb").
- * This is messy stuff!!!
- */
- void
- scroll_cursor_bot(min_scroll, set_topbot)
- int min_scroll;
- int set_topbot;
- {
- int used;
- int scrolled = 0;
- int extra = 0;
- int i;
- linenr_T line_count;
- linenr_T old_topline = curwin->w_topline;
- lineoff_T loff;
- lineoff_T boff;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- int old_topfill = curwin->w_topfill;
- int fill_below_window;
- #endif
- linenr_T old_botline = curwin->w_botline;
- linenr_T old_valid = curwin->w_valid;
- int old_empty_rows = curwin->w_empty_rows;
- linenr_T cln; /* Cursor Line Number */
- cln = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- if (set_topbot)
- {
- used = 0;
- curwin->w_botline = cln + 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- loff.fill = 0;
- #endif
- for (curwin->w_topline = curwin->w_botline;
- curwin->w_topline > 1;
- curwin->w_topline = loff.lnum)
- {
- loff.lnum = curwin->w_topline;
- topline_back(&loff);
- if (used + loff.height > curwin->w_height)
- break;
- used += loff.height;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = loff.fill;
- #endif
- }
- set_empty_rows(curwin, used);
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_BOTLINE|VALID_BOTLINE_AP;
- if (curwin->w_topline != old_topline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- || curwin->w_topfill != old_topfill
- #endif
- )
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WROW|VALID_CROW);
- }
- else
- validate_botline();
- /* The lines of the cursor line itself are always used. */
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- used = plines_nofill(cln);
- #else
- validate_cheight();
- used = curwin->w_cline_height;
- #endif
- /* If the cursor is below botline, we will at least scroll by the height
- * of the cursor line. Correct for empty lines, which are really part of
- * botline. */
- if (cln >= curwin->w_botline)
- {
- scrolled = used;
- if (cln == curwin->w_botline)
- scrolled -= curwin->w_empty_rows;
- }
- /*
- * Stop counting lines to scroll when
- * - hitting start of the file
- * - scrolled nothing or at least 'sj' lines
- * - at least 'so' lines below the cursor
- * - lines between botline and cursor have been counted
- */
- if (!hasFolding(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, &loff.lnum, &boff.lnum))
- #endif
- {
- loff.lnum = cln;
- boff.lnum = cln;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- loff.fill = 0;
- boff.fill = 0;
- fill_below_window = diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_botline)
- - curwin->w_filler_rows;
- #endif
- while (loff.lnum > 1)
- {
- /* Stop when scrolled nothing or at least "min_scroll", found "extra"
- * context for 'scrolloff' and counted all lines below the window. */
- if ((((scrolled <= 0 || scrolled >= min_scroll)
- && extra >= (
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- mouse_dragging ? mouse_dragging - 1 :
- #endif
- p_so))
- || boff.lnum + 1 > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- && loff.lnum <= curwin->w_botline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && (loff.lnum < curwin->w_botline
- || loff.fill >= fill_below_window)
- #endif
- )
- break;
- /* Add one line above */
- topline_back(&loff);
- used += loff.height;
- if (used > curwin->w_height)
- break;
- if (loff.lnum >= curwin->w_botline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && (loff.lnum > curwin->w_botline
- || loff.fill <= fill_below_window)
- #endif
- )
- {
- /* Count screen lines that are below the window. */
- scrolled += loff.height;
- if (loff.lnum == curwin->w_botline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && boff.fill == 0
- #endif
- )
- scrolled -= curwin->w_empty_rows;
- }
- if (boff.lnum < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- /* Add one line below */
- botline_forw(&boff);
- used += boff.height;
- if (used > curwin->w_height)
- break;
- if (extra < (
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- mouse_dragging > 0 ? mouse_dragging - 1 :
- #endif
- p_so) || scrolled < min_scroll)
- {
- extra += boff.height;
- if (boff.lnum >= curwin->w_botline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- || (boff.lnum + 1 == curwin->w_botline
- && boff.fill > curwin->w_filler_rows)
- #endif
- )
- {
- /* Count screen lines that are below the window. */
- scrolled += boff.height;
- if (boff.lnum == curwin->w_botline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && boff.fill == 0
- #endif
- )
- scrolled -= curwin->w_empty_rows;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* curwin->w_empty_rows is larger, no need to scroll */
- if (scrolled <= 0)
- line_count = 0;
- /* more than a screenfull, don't scroll but redraw */
- else if (used > curwin->w_height)
- line_count = used;
- /* scroll minimal number of lines */
- else
- {
- line_count = 0;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- boff.fill = curwin->w_topfill;
- #endif
- boff.lnum = curwin->w_topline - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < scrolled && boff.lnum < curwin->w_botline; )
- {
- botline_forw(&boff);
- i += boff.height;
- ++line_count;
- }
- if (i < scrolled) /* below curwin->w_botline, don't scroll */
- line_count = 9999;
- }
- /*
- * Scroll up if the cursor is off the bottom of the screen a bit.
- * Otherwise put it at 1/2 of the screen.
- */
- if (line_count >= curwin->w_height && line_count > min_scroll)
- scroll_cursor_halfway(FALSE);
- else
- scrollup(line_count, TRUE);
- /*
- * If topline didn't change we need to restore w_botline and w_empty_rows
- * (we changed them).
- * If topline did change, update_screen() will set botline.
- */
- if (curwin->w_topline == old_topline && set_topbot)
- {
- curwin->w_botline = old_botline;
- curwin->w_empty_rows = old_empty_rows;
- curwin->w_valid = old_valid;
- }
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_TOPLINE;
- }
- /*
- * Recompute topline to put the cursor halfway the window
- * If "atend" is TRUE, also put it halfway at the end of the file.
- */
- void
- scroll_cursor_halfway(atend)
- int atend;
- {
- int above = 0;
- linenr_T topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- int topfill = 0;
- #endif
- int below = 0;
- int used;
- lineoff_T loff;
- lineoff_T boff;
- loff.lnum = boff.lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- used = plines_nofill(loff.lnum);
- loff.fill = 0;
- boff.fill = 0;
- #else
- used = plines(loff.lnum);
- #endif
- topline = loff.lnum;
- while (topline > 1)
- {
- if (below <= above) /* add a line below the cursor first */
- {
- if (boff.lnum < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- botline_forw(&boff);
- used += boff.height;
- if (used > curwin->w_height)
- break;
- below += boff.height;
- }
- else
- {
- ++below; /* count a "~" line */
- if (atend)
- ++used;
- }
- }
- if (below > above) /* add a line above the cursor */
- {
- topline_back(&loff);
- used += loff.height;
- if (used > curwin->w_height)
- break;
- above += loff.height;
- topline = loff.lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- topfill = loff.fill;
- #endif
- }
- }
- if (!hasFolding(topline, &curwin->w_topline, NULL))
- #endif
- curwin->w_topline = topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = topfill;
- check_topfill(curwin, FALSE);
- #endif
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_TOPLINE;
- }
- /*
- * Correct the cursor position so that it is in a part of the screen at least
- * 'so' lines from the top and bottom, if possible.
- * If not possible, put it at the same position as scroll_cursor_halfway().
- * When called topline must be valid!
- */
- void
- cursor_correct()
- {
- int above = 0; /* screen lines above topline */
- linenr_T topline;
- int below = 0; /* screen lines below botline */
- linenr_T botline;
- int above_wanted, below_wanted;
- linenr_T cln; /* Cursor Line Number */
- int max_off;
- /*
- * How many lines we would like to have above/below the cursor depends on
- * whether the first/last line of the file is on screen.
- */
- above_wanted = p_so;
- below_wanted = p_so;
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- if (mouse_dragging)
- {
- above_wanted = mouse_dragging - 1;
- below_wanted = mouse_dragging - 1;
- }
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_topline == 1)
- {
- above_wanted = 0;
- max_off = curwin->w_height / 2;
- if (below_wanted > max_off)
- below_wanted = max_off;
- }
- validate_botline();
- if (curwin->w_botline == curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count + 1
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- && !mouse_dragging
- #endif
- )
- {
- below_wanted = 0;
- max_off = (curwin->w_height - 1) / 2;
- if (above_wanted > max_off)
- above_wanted = max_off;
- }
- /*
- * If there are sufficient file-lines above and below the cursor, we can
- * return now.
- */
- cln = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- if (cln >= curwin->w_topline + above_wanted
- && cln < curwin->w_botline - below_wanted
- && !hasAnyFolding(curwin)
- #endif
- )
- return;
- /*
- * Narrow down the area where the cursor can be put by taking lines from
- * the top and the bottom until:
- * - the desired context lines are found
- * - the lines from the top is past the lines from the bottom
- */
- topline = curwin->w_topline;
- botline = curwin->w_botline - 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /* count filler lines as context */
- above = curwin->w_topfill;
- below = curwin->w_filler_rows;
- #endif
- while ((above < above_wanted || below < below_wanted) && topline < botline)
- {
- if (below < below_wanted && (below <= above || above >= above_wanted))
- {
- if (hasFolding(botline, &botline, NULL))
- ++below;
- else
- #endif
- below += plines(botline);
- --botline;
- }
- if (above < above_wanted && (above < below || below >= below_wanted))
- {
- if (hasFolding(topline, NULL, &topline))
- ++above;
- else
- #endif
- #ifndef FEAT_DIFF
- above += plines(topline);
- #else
- above += plines_nofill(topline);
- /* Count filler lines below this line as context. */
- if (topline < botline)
- above += diff_check_fill(curwin, topline + 1);
- #endif
- ++topline;
- }
- }
- if (topline == botline || botline == 0)
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = topline;
- else if (topline > botline)
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = botline;
- else
- {
- if (cln < topline && curwin->w_topline > 1)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = topline;
- curwin->w_valid &=
- }
- if (cln > botline && curwin->w_botline <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = botline;
- curwin->w_valid &=
- }
- }
- curwin->w_valid |= VALID_TOPLINE;
- }
- static void get_scroll_overlap __ARGS((lineoff_T *lp, int dir));
- /*
- * move screen 'count' pages up or down and update screen
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- onepage(dir, count)
- int dir;
- long count;
- {
- long n;
- int retval = OK;
- lineoff_T loff;
- if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count == 1) /* nothing to do */
- {
- beep_flush();
- return FAIL;
- }
- for ( ; count > 0; --count)
- {
- validate_botline();
- /*
- * It's an error to move a page up when the first line is already on
- * the screen. It's an error to move a page down when the last line
- * is on the screen and the topline is 'scrolloff' lines from the
- * last line.
- */
- if (dir == FORWARD
- ? ((curwin->w_topline >= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count - p_so)
- && curwin->w_botline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- : (curwin->w_topline == 1
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && curwin->w_topfill ==
- diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_topline)
- #endif
- ))
- {
- beep_flush();
- retval = FAIL;
- break;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- loff.fill = 0;
- #endif
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- /* at end of file */
- if (curwin->w_botline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- curwin->w_topline = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- #endif
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WROW|VALID_CROW);
- }
- else
- {
- /* For the overlap, start with the line just below the window
- * and go upwards. */
- loff.lnum = curwin->w_botline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- loff.fill = diff_check_fill(curwin, loff.lnum)
- - curwin->w_filler_rows;
- #endif
- get_scroll_overlap(&loff, -1);
- curwin->w_topline = loff.lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = loff.fill;
- check_topfill(curwin, FALSE);
- #endif
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = curwin->w_topline;
- }
- }
- else /* dir == BACKWARDS */
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_topline == 1)
- {
- /* Include max number of filler lines */
- max_topfill();
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- /* Find the line at the top of the window that is going to be the
- * line at the bottom of the window. Make sure this results in
- * the same line as before doing CTRL-F. */
- loff.lnum = curwin->w_topline - 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- loff.fill = diff_check_fill(curwin, loff.lnum + 1)
- - curwin->w_topfill;
- #endif
- get_scroll_overlap(&loff, 1);
- if (loff.lnum >= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- loff.lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- loff.fill = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- botline_topline(&loff);
- #endif
- }
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = loff.lnum;
- /* Find the line just above the new topline to get the right line
- * at the bottom of the window. */
- n = 0;
- while (n <= curwin->w_height && loff.lnum >= 1)
- {
- topline_back(&loff);
- n += loff.height;
- }
- if (n <= curwin->w_height) /* at begin of file */
- {
- curwin->w_topline = 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- max_topfill();
- #endif
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WROW|VALID_CROW|VALID_BOTLINE);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Go two lines forward again. */
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- topline_botline(&loff);
- #endif
- botline_forw(&loff);
- botline_forw(&loff);
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- botline_topline(&loff);
- #endif
- /* We're at the wrong end of a fold now. */
- (void)hasFolding(loff.lnum, &loff.lnum, NULL);
- #endif
- /* Always scroll at least one line. Avoid getting stuck on
- * very long lines. */
- if (loff.lnum >= curwin->w_topline
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- && (loff.lnum > curwin->w_topline
- || loff.fill >= curwin->w_topfill)
- #endif
- )
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /* First try using the maximum number of filler lines. If
- * that's not enough, backup one line. */
- loff.fill = curwin->w_topfill;
- if (curwin->w_topfill < diff_check_fill(curwin,
- curwin->w_topline))
- max_topfill();
- if (curwin->w_topfill == loff.fill)
- #endif
- {
- --curwin->w_topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- #endif
- }
- comp_botline(curwin);
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = curwin->w_botline - 1;
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WCOL|VALID_CHEIGHT|
- }
- else
- {
- curwin->w_topline = loff.lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = loff.fill;
- check_topfill(curwin, FALSE);
- #endif
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WROW|VALID_CROW|VALID_BOTLINE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foldAdjustCursor();
- #endif
- cursor_correct();
- beginline(BL_SOL | BL_FIX);
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_WCOL|VALID_WROW|VALID_VIRTCOL);
- /*
- * Avoid the screen jumping up and down when 'scrolloff' is non-zero.
- */
- if (dir == FORWARD && check_top_offset())
- scroll_cursor_top(1, FALSE);
- redraw_later(VALID);
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * Decide how much overlap to use for page-up or page-down scrolling.
- * This is symmetric, so that doing both keeps the same lines displayed.
- * Three lines are examined:
- *
- * before CTRL-F after CTRL-F / before CTRL-B
- * etc. l1
- * l1 last but one line ------------
- * l2 last text line l2 top text line
- * ------------- l3 second text line
- * l3 etc.
- */
- static void
- get_scroll_overlap(lp, dir)
- lineoff_T *lp;
- int dir;
- {
- int h1, h2, h3, h4;
- int min_height = curwin->w_height - 2;
- lineoff_T loff0, loff1, loff2;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (lp->fill > 0)
- lp->height = 1;
- else
- lp->height = plines_nofill(lp->lnum);
- #else
- lp->height = plines(lp->lnum);
- #endif
- h1 = lp->height;
- if (h1 > min_height)
- return; /* no overlap */
- loff0 = *lp;
- if (dir > 0)
- botline_forw(lp);
- else
- topline_back(lp);
- h2 = lp->height;
- if (h2 + h1 > min_height)
- {
- *lp = loff0; /* no overlap */
- return;
- }
- loff1 = *lp;
- if (dir > 0)
- botline_forw(lp);
- else
- topline_back(lp);
- h3 = lp->height;
- if (h3 + h2 > min_height)
- {
- *lp = loff0; /* no overlap */
- return;
- }
- loff2 = *lp;
- if (dir > 0)
- botline_forw(lp);
- else
- topline_back(lp);
- h4 = lp->height;
- if (h4 + h3 + h2 > min_height || h3 + h2 + h1 > min_height)
- *lp = loff1; /* 1 line overlap */
- else
- *lp = loff2; /* 2 lines overlap */
- return;
- }
- /* #define KEEP_SCREEN_LINE */
- /*
- * Scroll 'scroll' lines up or down.
- */
- void
- halfpage(flag, Prenum)
- int flag;
- linenr_T Prenum;
- {
- long scrolled = 0;
- int i;
- int n;
- int room;
- if (Prenum)
- curwin->w_p_scr = (Prenum > curwin->w_height) ?
- curwin->w_height : Prenum;
- n = (curwin->w_p_scr <= curwin->w_height) ?
- curwin->w_p_scr : curwin->w_height;
- validate_botline();
- room = curwin->w_empty_rows;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- room += curwin->w_filler_rows;
- #endif
- if (flag)
- {
- /*
- * scroll the text up
- */
- while (n > 0 && curwin->w_botline <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_topfill > 0)
- {
- i = 1;
- if (--n < 0 && scrolled > 0)
- break;
- --curwin->w_topfill;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- i = plines_nofill(curwin->w_topline);
- #else
- i = plines(curwin->w_topline);
- #endif
- n -= i;
- if (n < 0 && scrolled > 0)
- break;
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_topline, NULL, &curwin->w_topline);
- #endif
- ++curwin->w_topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_topline);
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- curwin->w_valid &=
- }
- #endif
- }
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_CROW|VALID_WROW);
- scrolled += i;
- /*
- * Correct w_botline for changed w_topline.
- * Won't work when there are filler lines.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_p_diff)
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_BOTLINE|VALID_BOTLINE_AP);
- else
- #endif
- {
- room += i;
- do
- {
- i = plines(curwin->w_botline);
- if (i > room)
- break;
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_botline, NULL,
- &curwin->w_botline);
- #endif
- ++curwin->w_botline;
- room -= i;
- } while (curwin->w_botline <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count);
- }
- }
- /*
- * When hit bottom of the file: move cursor down.
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
- if (hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- {
- while (--n >= 0
- && curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, NULL,
- &curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- }
- }
- else
- # endif
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum += n;
- check_cursor_lnum();
- }
- #else
- /* try to put the cursor in the same screen line */
- while ((curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_topline || scrolled > 0)
- && curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_botline - 1)
- {
- scrolled -= plines(curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
- if (scrolled < 0 && curwin->w_cursor.lnum >= curwin->w_topline)
- break;
- # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, NULL,
- &curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
- # endif
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * scroll the text down
- */
- while (n > 0 && curwin->w_topline > 1)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (curwin->w_topfill < diff_check_fill(curwin, curwin->w_topline))
- {
- i = 1;
- if (--n < 0 && scrolled > 0)
- break;
- ++curwin->w_topfill;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- i = plines_nofill(curwin->w_topline - 1);
- #else
- i = plines(curwin->w_topline - 1);
- #endif
- n -= i;
- if (n < 0 && scrolled > 0)
- break;
- --curwin->w_topline;
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_topline, &curwin->w_topline, NULL);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- curwin->w_topfill = 0;
- #endif
- }
- curwin->w_valid &= ~(VALID_CROW|VALID_WROW|
- scrolled += i;
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum > 1)
- {
- --curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * When hit top of the file: move cursor up.
- */
- if (n > 0)
- {
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum <= (linenr_T)n)
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
- else
- # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
- if (hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- {
- while (--n >= 0 && curwin->w_cursor.lnum > 1)
- {
- --curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_cursor.lnum,
- &curwin->w_cursor.lnum, NULL);
- }
- }
- else
- # endif
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum -= n;
- }
- #else
- /* try to put the cursor in the same screen line */
- scrolled += n; /* move cursor when topline is 1 */
- while (curwin->w_cursor.lnum > curwin->w_topline
- && (scrolled > 0 || curwin->w_cursor.lnum >= curwin->w_botline))
- {
- scrolled -= plines(curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1);
- if (scrolled < 0 && curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curwin->w_botline)
- break;
- --curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
- foldAdjustCursor();
- # endif
- }
- #endif
- }
- # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
- /* Move cursor to first line of closed fold. */
- foldAdjustCursor();
- # endif
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- check_topfill(curwin, !flag);
- #endif
- cursor_correct();
- beginline(BL_SOL | BL_FIX);
- redraw_later(VALID);
- }